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- ****************************************************************************
- >C O M P U T E R U N D E R G R O U N D<
- >D I G E S T<
- *** Volume 1, Issue #1.14 (June 14, 1990) **
- ****************************************************************************
- MODERATORS: Jim Thomas / Gordon Meyer
- REPLY TO: TK0JUT2@NIU.bitnet
- COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing
- information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of
- diverse views.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the
- views of the moderators. Contributors assume all responsibility
- for assuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright
- protections.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
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- *** Computer Underground Digest Issue #1.14 / File 3 of 5 ***
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- On June 12, 1990 Craig Neidorf (aka "Knight Lightning") was arraigned on
- charges of Wire Fraud and Interstate Transportation of Stolen Merchandise.
- This new indictment supersedes the charges that were filed against him a
- few months ago. Note that the violation of the Computer Fraud charge has
- been dropped, with the wire fraud charges being added. The interstate
- transportation charge remains and is still related to his alleged receipt
- of the e911 documentation.
- The new Wire Fraud charges stem from 4 or 5 articles in past issues of
- "Phrack Inc.". A discussion of the specific articles named in the
- indictment is found elsewhere in this issue of CuD.
- Two additional changes are worth noting. The "retail cost" of the Bell
- South e911 documentation has been reduced from over $74K to $53K.
- Evidently the initial estimate was incorrectly calculated. Also, now that
- the fraud charge has been dropped mandatory sentencing guidelines may no
- longer require jail time should Niedorf be convicted. (This is speculation
- and has not been confirmed.)
- A new trial date has been set for July 23 (possibly the 24th, our sources
- were unsure of the exact date). The trial is expected to last about one
- week. The government still plans to call 13 witnesses, some of which are
- still unnamed (being listed as "a representative from Bell South, for
- example).
- As of this writing we have not been able to obtain a copy of the indictment
- itself. However, the information given here has been provided by those who
- have seen copies of it. There may be some errors, which will be corrected
- once we can compare our synopsis to the actual document. We were able to
- obtain a copy of the first indictment with relatively little hassle,
- however we have been told by both the US Attorney's office and the US
- Secret Service that this time we'll have to pick up a copy in person
- (which, to be fair, is standard operating procedure but it is a requirement
- that we did not anticipate). We will do so as soon as an opportunity to
- visit downtown Chicago arises. In the meantime if any CuD readers have a
- copy of the new indictment we would appreciate you forwarding a copy to us.
- As always we will continue to provide you with information as it becomes
- available.
- GRM 6/13/90
- Related rumours and speculation: Sources indicate that much of the material
- being introduced as evidence by the Government has been sealed by the
- court. Additionally some people connected with the case are under a court
- order not to discuss certain aspects of it prior to the trial. The full
- reasoning behind this, and exactly what types of material it covers, is
- unknown at this time. This propensity to keep the details out of public
- scrutiny has led to speculation (from different sources) that the trial
- itself may take place behind closed doors.
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